Sunday, January 27, 2008

Lingolook » Sunday thoughts

I hope my friend Michael, and one of the people I think of when I say Web 2 is generous, is right on his first for the second, that would likely be a disaster....Id be too nervous :-).

"I think Dell are going to take online conversations to new heights so expect to see Richard on Oprah in 3Q."

Lingolook » Sunday thoughts

Three Dirty Little Blogging Secrets

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Thank you Hugh, as always for the inspiration and more.

Since visiting blogs, listening and learning from bloggers, and finding my way around social media for the past year and half, I have trouble with three precepts of this "new medium" that you sometimes hear about. I think its fair to set the record straight on a couple matters, at least from my experience and percpetions. They are:

1. The blogger is Not a "citizen journalist" nor does a bloggers' "power" authority or importance arise from that premise

In most situations, bloggers are not journalists. Bloggers are speaking (writing, podcasting, vloging etc) from their heart. Its the old saying in its truest form "perception is reality." Bloggers are real people sharing their personal perceptions and that is their reality. Its why blogging and bloggers are so powerful. No filter, no "fairness." Blogging is people and their naked realities. Those naked conversations are based on how I think, feel and believe.

Journalists attempt to tell stories and glean what the "truth" may be through fair-minded and "objective" reporting. There are some exceptions, of course: a) bloggers who are the closest some countries have to free press, where the state represses freedom of the press; and b)
some of the "a-list" publishers (Engagdet, Federated Media, etc) or bloggers who are actually closer to online freelance journalists, commentators than a personal blogger. Here are some links with more food for thought:

2. "Lose Control" ? How about Participate. These are different Issues and have different ramifications.

For businesses entering social media and getting involved, it is often suggested you have to understand you have no control. I call this the fear factor....oh my god "lose control" = fear. Im not making an argument about the degree to which companies may or may not control their brand....but anyone curious about this field ought to understand this: participation is very different to losing control. Participation = involvement, it is not rooted in fear. It also leads to different results than "losing control" and fear. Do you act because you are afraid or because you want to participate and "join in"?

3. The "blogging" world is not "fair" (see 1); Its a wild Mob. Wrong, It's a Generous World

I have personally found bloggers of all stripes, once you prove you are serious, genuine and listening (earn your stripes so to speak) to be findamentally generous.

As I mentioned in one of my first posts and in the recent Toronto presentations, the conversations are ultimately "give and take." If you are willing to listen and learn, then you will find people on Twitter, Facebook, in the blogs and elsewhere who connect with you and share. That is an important word, SHARE.

I have learned from so many who have been willing to point me in various is amazing. This is no angry mob....or some ill-informed populace. It is world filled with great people who are fundamentally generous and willing to help you individually, or as a business, understand and gain even better and more important new insights. Likely more than you can appreciate until you dive in.

So what holds you back from diving in?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Art, Conversations and the Web

Jeff Jarvis asks a number of great questions today over at Buzzmachine that takes us off the beaten track and back to the Christmas postings.
He suggests that "once the artist stands before an audience, it can become an act of showing off. It becomes, almost by definition, self-conscious."

Now I just do a little photography on the side and have a few group exhibits, won some awards and have a number of private and corporate collectors. So I am by no means Peter Gabreil, Yo-Yo Ma,
Paulo Coelho or the other stars Jeff is hanging out with. However, art is very much a bit "self-conscious" expression, not necessarily showing off though. Artists often speak from their don't get more self conscious than that.

He says that he was struck by the difference between performance and conversation, and goes on to point out the benefit and value of conversation. But from an artist perspective, Jeff forgets that the "performance" is about igniting the conversation...That performance is the unveiling of something the artists created. It is a very rich and largely personal unveiling of a conversation the artist had between himself/herself and their creation. And then the artist shares that very private and personal creation or conversation with others. Perhaps its the most emotional and personal conversation there can be. Sometimes art is all about conversations -- with the heart.

And, if you love the artists' creation, you have a conversation too...with the art, with your friends about what the piece of art makes you feel and think....and if you are lucky like Jeff to hang in Davos with the artists Jeff is get to connect with them about what the art is about and have even more conversation.

As I said in one of my own "artisist statements"
However, as a means of creative expression, photographs capture not just a specific time and place in reality. They also create, offer options for exploration and realization. There is more than meets the eye.

Photographs turn everyday visuals, and the everyday, into something else -- a dream, a stream of light, a place to go in our imagination, something beautiful and unexplored, or to be explored. A moment of reality becomes a creation; a path to realization; a
personal perspective and moment of quiet solitude....A piece of reality turns into something other than simply the image itself. The viewer, too, can wander and wonder, imagining and creating again.

Jeff closes relating art, content and the internet saying "Is art at its heart content or a relationship, a conversation?" The answer is YES -- to all.

Or at least, I hope mine is. Certainly my collectors collect it for content, because they have a relationship with it and (I hope) conversations. Certainly the art I collect is all of the above.

And, its why, at the urging of Shel Israel, some of my "art" is now on Flickr and even referenced here.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Bono and Michael Dell about RED

"The computer has revolutionized our lives; the (RED) Dell Microsoft partnership goes a step further with PCs which channel money to the Global Fund," said Bono, co-founder of (RED).

"It's a truly beautiful idea - that the purchase of a stylish PC can put someone on lifesaving ARV treatment for six months."

“The RED campaign is making a tangible difference in the lives of people living with AIDS in Africa,” said Michael Dell, Dell chairman and CEO. “We’ve seen what computers can do for keeping people connected, but with (RED), the sale of these products will actually help keep people alive. We couldn’t be more proud to be part of this initiative.”

Update: The video is here:

Dell (PRODUCT) RED products are distinguished by their vibrant red color and accents, and distinctive (PRODUCT) RED branding. All Dell (PRODUCT) RED PCs feature Intel Core 2 Duo processors. Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED includes six unique desktop wallpapers, a screensaver, two innovative Windows Sidebar gadgets and a (RED)-themed Windows DreamScene

Thursday, January 24, 2008


(R to L) Michael Dell, Bono and Gates
Bono, co-founder of (RED), Bill Gates, founder and Chairman of Microsoft and Michael Dell founder and Chairman of Dell, together at the World Economic Forum announce that Dell and Microsoft are joining (RED) to help fight AIDS in Africa, with the introduction of a series of Dell(PRODUCT) RED personal computers powered by Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED.

Seeing RED, for Real. And, Thanks Ideastorm


Dell makes a Difference. Red makes a difference. Microsoft makes a difference. The Ideastorm community contributed to Dell making a difference. Now you can make a difference too.

Im trying to make a difference using social media to promote RED too.
I believe in this strongly and have for a long time. In fact, I worked with Health Minister, Perrin Beatty in a Conservative Canadian government to develop and deliver Canada's first national policy on AIDS back in the 1980s, when many refused to deal with the disease. Thats why now I am so damn proud to work for DELL and be doing this.

Help fight AIDS in Africa through the purchase of unique (PRODUCT) RED branded personal computers and a printer. Adding to the premium experience, all Dell (PRODUCT) RED PCs are powered by Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED. Dell is the exclusive partner for PCs and peripherals of (PRODUCT) RED. Dell (PRODUCT) RED products are now available at There will be more during the day.

Some details: With each purchase of a (PRODUCT) RED branded Dell personal computer including Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED, Dell and Microsoft will make a combined contribution of $50 to $80 – depending on the PC purchased – to the Global Fund. Purchase of a Dell (PRODUCT) RED printer generates a $5 Dell contribution. One hundred percent of the funds contributed go to Global Fund-financed grants in Africa.

An $80 contribution generated by the choice of a Dell (PRODUCT) RED all-in-one PC with Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT) RED is equivalent to more than six months of life-saving antiretroviral treatment for an individual living with AIDS in Africa.

Dell (PRODUCT) RED products include:
XPSTM One (PRODUCT) RED - The elegant, simple and space-saving XPS One combines multimedia computing with high style, high-definition television and entertainment, and is a distinctive addition to any room in the home. Starting at $1,599. (Purchase contributes $80 to the Global Fund)
XPSTM M1330 (PRODUCT) RED - With a starting weight of just under 4 pounds and featuring an ultra-thin 0.9-inch profile, the award-winning XPS M1330 notebook features a high-definition 13.3-inch display, full-sized keyboard, built-in Wi-Fi and optional mobile broadband wireless for connecting on the go. Starting at $1,149. (Purchase contributes $50 to the Global Fund)
XPSTM M1530 (PRODUCT) RED - The XPS M1530 is a sleek and stylish 15.4-inch notebook that is loaded with premium features like built-in webcam and fingerprint reader, and design accents like touch-sensitive multi-media buttons and brushed aluminum accents. Starting at $1,149. (Purchase contributes $50 to the Global Fund)
948 All-in-One Printer (PRODUCT) RED – The 948 printer features easy-to-use fax, scan, copy and print functions and photo printing options – available with or without connection to a computer. Starting at $149. (Purchase contributes $5 to the Global Fund).

Check them out on Direct2DELL or at at or even a BestBuy store near you. Those RED notebooks are sweet....Lets all make a difference. Watch for more, here and around, like video I think, wink.

Thanks so much.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

DELL Sees RED and I am damn PROUD of it.

How incredible that the the simple act of choosing a PC, at no extra cost to you, means you could put someone living with AIDS in Africa on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment for more than six months?

Dell, Microsoft and RED are proud to introduce RED products later this around the web and at for even more details. Also More about RED is here or support and Fan RED on Facebook.This is an important and worthy cause. I am personally very PROUD to be associated with Dell because of this!!!

Watch the video, Lazarus

The Lazarus Effect

Thursday, January 10, 2008

bizsolutionsplus Featuring Solutions to Grow Your Business: Dell Breaks New Ground in Social Media--Again

bizsolutionsplus Featuring Solutions to Grow Your Business: Dell Breaks New Ground in Social Media--Again

why not consider joining us at blogged about "regeneration" previously and think the conversation, indeed the movement is important.

Be a part of it and make a difference.....for all of us

The Quest for the MacBook Pro (or Dell XPS)

The Quest for the MacBook Pro (or Dell XPS) media works. I am honoured and touhed by this commentary....and the work I do. In a sometimes hard, cynical and tough world, I am blown away. What to say????? Except Thank you.