Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Social Business By Design, Thanks to @Armano

Social Business by design....and a lot of various considerations, understandings and plain hard work. Can it be understood/done/achieved if you are not active in social media yourself?.....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

'Convenience Store Chain'

Johnny C talks about the benefits of listenin' and engagin'. If you have not seen it have fun and enjoy

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Creating Movements and Tribes....that Matter too

A couple months ago, I blogged some thoughts about the value of and customers, customers and customers and purpose ideas of Mark Earls. That post was about several books and thoughts and related to Seth Godin's Tribes. He has talked before about how tribes sort of change the world, marketing perspectives, and a whole lot more. He relates it to changes as we flip advertising and marketing upside down and think about "the privilege of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who want to get them....adding up to the fact that what people really want is the ability to connect to each other, not to companies....or perhaps connection to humans who are part of companies?

You can check out the latest from Godin on Tribes over at TED site where he argues that at the same time as the Web changes mass communications, every day people like you and me go off to work to change things and have an impact....and today, we can have that impact.

His argument about living at a time of significant change certainly holds. No doubts about the Web changing how we connect, live and work; mobil devices change how we stay in fact it is not just about mobility, it is increasingly about technology's ubiquity; when and how we work is no longer governed by place and time, necessarily; and, geography knows few boundaries.

Information is so readily available, who knows what theory will explode tomorrow and if we were somehow organized enough we could probably earn our own advanced degrees, maybe without professors. As the media fragments and, in some cases, struggles to adopt, what are we to do with more information than we can digest, or ever work through or consider?
Of course, we are to rely more and more on friends and those we respect or trust.

Sure we have moved from factory to television (mass media) to the current situation of today...a period when Godin argues we demand leadership, ideas that challenge the status quo, connections with others and are ready to make commitments.

But in that pursuit of demanding leadership and all that information...and our reliance on a Tribe or others we trust, lets also not fall into the trap of sleep walking through it all. Seems we shouldn't forget to be demanding of ourselves -- not just for the right connections and exciting ideas so that we can jump into tribes. But also to require of ourselves and the Tribes we join the kind of critical thinking and thoughtfulness that keeps us progressing, challenging and thinking. In that respect, rather than just following Tribe leaders or the Tribe, we need to make and find the time to reflect and digest, coming to our own conclusions too about why, what, and wherefore. Godin talks about TV messages hypmotizing. The Web might yet prove to be very capable of that too...

At the end of the TED video Seth Godin issues a challenge: in the next 24 hours create a movement that matters. Its not just the movement part, in these chaging times. I think equally important is the "that matters" aspect of that challenge. Two thoughts worth thinking about

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cluetrain, Hughtrain, Bluetrain

Call it what you want....I love it and it is so true (to me anyway).  I had to have it.  And, I got it before the limited edition ran out.  Thank you, Hugh!!! It arrived and is awesome.

PS:  In my excitement and haste to publish, I forgot.  Check out more at GapingVoid Gallery

Sunday, May 3, 2009

How And Why To Build A Corporate Blog from LionelatDell

Wanted to share a presentation from my good friend, colleague...and arguably one of the best corporate evangelists I know. Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Executive Social Marketing Bootcamp, David Alston of Radian6 Nails Some Issues

In social media generally, as well as my experience around the web for Dell, one of the great benefits/values of the conversations across the web is simply in "listening"....learning from that and the engagement arising from those conversations.

Check out this SlideShare Presentation by Radian6's David Alston. Its a great list of the kinds of conversations that are important to business and allow you opportunities to learn and get even better at what you do. Those top 10 are:

1. The complaint
2. The compliment...people love to be heard on both one and two
3. The problem or glitch or issue
4. A question about you, your products, services or company
5. Looking at how a "campaign" is being received by your customers or others
6. The Crisis...or maybe the early warning system to a crisis
7. Your competitors
8. What the crowd or 9. influencers think of you? Essentially, "YOUR" reputation...because ultimately people give you a reputation, its not really "yours."
10. Identify points of need in what your customers are saying and experiencing so you can be even better

Hope you enjoy it

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Future of Reputations

Changing Everything?  Was catching up on some reading and ran across this gem of a publication called Edge where earlier this year they had published a series of answers to the question "What will change everything?" What bridges will be crossing that fundamentally really change everything about and around us.  There were articles about social networks, how text will give way to video everywhere, education, computer processing, planetary matters and what we know today or will tomorrow about the brain.  There is a lot there.
The Age of Reputation: The one I got thinking about was was "reputation" by Gloria Origgi, a philosopher and a researcher at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in Paris. Her areas of research are philosophy of mind, epistemology, and cognitive sciences applied to new technologies.

She begins by pointing out that the Internet is really what will change our future most but then raises the question of how it changes things the most. Rather than paraphrase, let me quote the premise:
"The Internet is a complex geography of information technology, networking, multimedia content and telecommunication. This powerful alliance of different technologies has provided not only a brand new way of producing, storing and retrieving information, but a giant network of ranking and rating systems in which information is valued as long as it has been already filtered by other people.

My prediction for the Big Change is that the Information Age is being replaced by a Reputation Age in which the reputation of an item — that is how others value and rate the item — will be the only way we have to extract information about it...The age of reputation will be a new age of knowledge gathering guided by new rules and principles. This is possible now thanks to the tremendous potential of the social web in aggregating individual preferences and choices to produce intelligent outcomes."
Anonymous Powerful Algorithms Give Way:  She notes that the anonymous mathematical algorithm for cataloguing and retrieving information will/is giving way to rankings by people...and in some respects "information" becomes irrelevant, or at least subservient, to rankings by people and then the aggregation of those rankings.  The "new generation of search engines whose ranking procedures are simply generated by the aggregation of individual preferences expressed on these pages: no big calculations, no secret weights...results of a query are organized just according to the « grades » each of these pages has received by the users "

The Human Web:  And so the human web really takes hold in what we often think about as a data driven world.  To quote Gloria Origgi again, "this softer Web, more controlled by human experiences than complex formulas, will change our interaction with the net, as well as our fears and hopes about it. The potential of social filtering of information is that of a new way of extracting information by relying on the previous judgments of others."

For many who have been working in, or thinking about, social media, the premise she raises are familiar.  The social web enables people to connect with other people and share perspectives in whole new and powerful ways. Her conclusions, taken beyond web pages to a reputation based and ranked world are most interesting, I thought.

For another good read, be sure to check out the New York Times article about Web Comments/commenters.....some interesting observations there. ...

And, if you think about the two articles together and put comments in the context of these  "reputation rankings".....well, I am not sure what to think :-) .

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SXSW, Time to Learn, Hear about Experiments, New Things and Connect

SXSW is a great opportunity to learn and connect, engage in some great conversations, and as I often like to say “make online real offline too.” As a person who moved here just a few years ago, I can testify to Austin's live-ability. It has become home to this former Canadian. And to the guests from far and wide, I say welcome, come and enjoy.

There are so many great things to do, I’m not even going to try and start. However, check out Steph Agresta’s Techset Blogger Lounge and her blog listing with a great set of events. Update: My colleague and friend Lionel also has a post over at Direct2Dell with our info. It includes some info about the Dell team members at SXSW and other nifty things

The “Fashionable” AllHat…No Cattle Event: The "AllHat….No Cattle" Shopping and Socializing excusion (#allhat) is on Sunday from noon to 2pm . It includes shopping for hats, boots, buckles and a light lunch/refreshments (cash bar/food donation $ if you choose). More Details below.

Hat Tip from the AllHat team: Imagine, a few individuals came together with a different idea…"lets get together and have some fun shopping for a cowboy hat on Sunday at lunch.”

WOW…..Twitter and away we go. YOU, our many online friends, networks and individuals, have come together in a big way to join in (See Twtvite tab on who is attending, or the tweets, #allhat and more). Looks like we have a great crowd, but most importantly an event where we can share some fun, food and chance to talk to each other in person….many of us I suppose get to meet in person for the first time and exchange more than a 140 characters at a time. The results testify to the power of connecting, I think….so please be sure to not hesitate to introduce yourselves and we can all put faces to avatars.

So, HatTip from AllHat to ya'all, for the opportunity to meet, for joining us.
Team AllHat says thanks…to each of you.

Who is AllHat...and WHY?

Your Co-hosts: @Richardatdell and David Armano. Why? Because we had cowboy hats already and even shopped at Allen’s on another occasion

Special Guest: Mack Collier… Why is he a special guest? You will learn that at the event (hints have been in twitter and below).

Fashion Advisor/Crowdsource opinion leader: We “roped in” Steph Agresta following concerns that the two cohosts and special guest did not bode well for success in terms of fashion sense. Steph is a regular at Allen’s boots when she visits Austin. She has a red pair….hope she wears them :-)

Your Photographer: Brian Solis (I let you pick the link from google) and that search just goes to prove Brian is everywhere – on the the ranch, off the ranch, twitter, flickr, life streams, books, blogs – he’s like the Paparazziso, everywhere. But, we “roped him in.” Why a photographer? BECAUSE if ya’all make a scene at the AllHat event/brunch,(etiquette tips in some pics) modeling your newest hats boots and buckles, that’s like the red carpet at the Academy awards. Best that be captured and shared (and besides, Mack may need a new twitter avatar, so that we can start a trend of cowboy hats for twitter avatars)

The Roadie: Mark Drosos (with the band, again you choose the link) comes from the entertainment business…and this event is “entertainment,” – by, for and with you – pure and simple. He just volunteered….no, actually he just “stepped into it.” He’s the best roadie with the band we can have….and he is social too. Mark Chose the theme song and it captures the spirit we hope you feel, that Big warm Texas grin.

PreParty Prep, Etiquette Tips, Church of Customer Counsel : Window Shop if you want to get a little head start on decisions. You can start by window shopping over at Flicker. There are some different collectibles page 2, as well as a special treat: Church of the Customer Blog, Jackie Huba provides some perspective on one of the most highly viewed items, in the pre shopping warm up collection.
However, Jackie showed no patience (a virtue I am told) and decided to get her shopping done ahead of time in order to deliver a warm Texas welcome. Watch for her new purchase she already tweeted about using new hashtag #allhat.

Unboxings : When you get home (or back to your hotel room) with your hats, boots and buckles, just a reminder, like new computers, you can do an unboxing (sample here toward bottom of page and on the next one).

Prep Done? Ready for shopping now? .....Come have fun

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wharton Study on Word of Mouth Marketing

Given the ongoing debate around the blogs and social networking communities about measurement and results, thought Wharton's recently released story "The BuzzStarts Here: Finding the First Mouth for word-of-mouth marketing"

They find that social networks (not necessarily the online kind...but social networks in general) impact contagion and spread of word of mouth.  

The other interesting take away is the "who" underpinning successful word of mouth is crucial for success and not always who we think it is, or should be.  The person contributing to success is not always the self proclaimed or even traditionally thought of "leader" in a particular field.  In this particular case study Wharton professors found the "leader" underpinning real uptake for market success was actually an individual who connected across the various communities and was known amongst his peers for doing really solid work. ....a sociometric leader is what they call it

In fact, he was not considered by the industry or himself as an opinion leader.....But that is what he was doing, very effectively.  And therein lies the rub, right? 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Cowboy's Hat - Chris LeDoux

The Pre Party warm up for "AllHat....No Cattle" has begun. We now have a theme song (check out the 3:15 point to around 3:20minute, as minimum) for the BIG TEXAS Grin. Theme song compliments of @markdrosos.

Also you can find pics get thinking and planning the shopping, as well as the follow on. Like computers, unboxings can be fun:

Cant wait to make more online real offline too

Final event details will be posted soon, although the event start time and location are at Twtvite :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Corporate Blogs: 2 Leaders Speak, 3 to follow

Funny how things happen. Today two of  my favorite people posted commentary on corporate blogs.  The third best resource on corporate blogging is the timeless: Naked Conversations by Shel Israel and Scoble

Thing #1
Over at Dell's new blog about technology and education Lionel Menchaca, Dell's Chief Blogger talks about lecture he gave last week.  Couple highlights...but go read the whole post:
Benefits of corporate blogs:
  • Purpose: they are built for two-way communications
  • Versatility: As a platform, blogs bring together text, video
  • Huge and growing: According to Technorati in June 2008… 112 million and counting.
  • Empowerment: Blogs empower individuals within companies and humanize companies
  • Trust: People inherently don’t tend to trust corporate blogs. I told the class I wasn’t at all surprised when Forrester said only 16% of the folks they surveyed trusted corporate blogs. In my view, companies help create that reality—hence the cartoon from Hugh McLeod above. Good blog posts help us chip away that distrust at the individual level.
  • No matter how transparent a corporate blog is, there are some things you can’t share. Personal blogs don’t have many limitations in this regard.
  • Legal issues: When we’re dealing with safety issues like the battery recall, or other product issues that may impact lots of customers, we work with our legal team before publishing.
Aside from the great content and perspective, let me tell you something. Lionel is tech savvy pro, loves Dell  customers (in fact even helped this one buy his first Dell before he was a Dell employee).  He is someone I have come to know pretty well....and even though we disagree from time to time.....I ADORE him, professionally and personally.  He is a friend.  And even taught me a few things about this space (OK...maybe more than a few, but dont tell him I said that).  He is Chief corporate blogger for a reason.  He is GREAT and gets it!

Thing #2
Scoble, who I have come to know and admire working in this space since 2006, out of the blue posts a link to something he wrote in 2003.  Its here:  The Corporate Blogging Manifesto.  I didnt even know blogs existed then.  For all the jokes about Scoble's gazillion  followers......this piece from 2003 has clearly withstood the test of time.  NO JOKES. Go read it.

Conclusion: Follow them and it will come
I didnt even pay attention until August 2006.  Thats when I started to listen, learn and engage.....AND learn a few things I did from Lionel, Shel and Scoble. I still do.  You can't go wrong reflecting on these links ....and by the way, not one them talks about traffic or maximizing search or visits from Twitter.  I think if you follow their examples.....people come.

And really, that's what its all about anyway, right? 

Friday, February 27, 2009

AllHat....No Cattle: South by Southwest

If you are attending SXSW, perhaps you want to join us? 

Cohost: @armano
Special guest: @mackcollier
photographer: @briansolis
Logistics and hosting: @markdroso  Correction: Roadie, with the band (brand?)
shopping maven and more: @stephagresta

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

President Obama in Ottawa III

From CBS Photo Essay:

President Obama Goes to Ottawa, II

Below is an interview with President Obama by Peter Mansbridge, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Republished at Huffington Post

Q Mr. President, thank you for doing this -- Canadians are very excited about your trip.


Q When they watch you today sign your recovery bill into law, how concerned should they be that the Buy America clause is still there, even though you've given assurances international trade agreements will be respected -- how concerned should they be?

THE PRESIDENT: I don't think they should be too concerned. You know, I think that if you look at history one of the most important things during a worldwide recession of the sort that we're seeing now is that each country does not resort to "beggar thy neighbor" policies, protectionist policies, they can end up further contracting world trade. And my administration is committed to making sure that even as we take steps to strengthen the U.S. economy that we are doing so in a way that actually over time will enhance the ability of trading partners, like Canada, to work within our boundaries.
And my expectation is, is that where you have strong U.S. competitors who can sell products and services, that a lot of governors and mayors are going to want to try to find U.S. equipment or services, but that we are going to abide by our World Trade Organization and NAFTA obligations just as we always have.

Q You mentioned NAFTA. A year ago you were pretty critical of NAFTA; in fact, you even suggested at one point that the U.S. opt out if it couldn't renegotiate. Do you think that's the time now to be making that case, or is it something that's set aside now?

THE PRESIDENT: I think there are a lot of sensitivities right now because of the huge decline in world trade. As I've said before, NAFTA, the basic framework of the agreement has environmental and labor protections as side agreements -- my argument has always been that we might as well incorporate them into the full agreement so that they're fully enforceable.But what I've also said is that Canada is one of our most important trading partners, we rely on them heavily, there's $1.5 billion worth of trade going back and forth every day between the two countries and that it is not in anybody's interest to see that trade diminish.

Q Especially now.

THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.

Q Part of that trade involves the energy sector, a lot of oil and gas comes to the United States from Canada, and even more in the future with oil sands development. Now there are some in your Canada -- and Canada, as well -- who feel the oil sands is dirty oil because of the extraction process. What do you think; is it dirty oil?

THE PRESIDENT: What we know is that oil sands creates a big carbon footprint. So the dilemma that Canada faces, the United States faces, and China and the entire world faces is how do we obtain the energy that we need to grow our economies in a way that is not rapidly accelerating climate change. That's one of the reasons why the stimulus bill that I'll be signing today contains billions of dollars towards clean energy development.

I think to the extent that Canada and the United States can collaborate on ways that we can sequester carbon, capture greenhouse gases before they're emitted into the atmosphere, that's going to be good for everybody. Because if we don't, then we're going to have a ceiling at some point in terms of our ability to expand our economies and maintain the standard of living that's so important, particularly when you've got countries like China and India that are obviously interested in catching up.

Q So are you drawing a link, then, in terms of the future of tar sands oil coming into the U.S. contingent on a sense of a continental environment policy on cap and trade?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think what I'm suggesting is, is that no country in isolation is going to be able to solve this problem. So Canada, the United States, China, India, the European Union, all of us are going to have to work together in an effective way to figure out how do we balance the imperatives of economic growth with very real concerns about the effect we're having on our planet. And ultimately I think this can be solved by technology.
I think that it is possible for us to create a set of clean energy mechanisms that allow us to use things not just like oil sands, but also coal. The United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal, but we have our own homegrown problems in terms of dealing with a cheap energy source that creates a big carbon footprint.

And so we're not going to be able to deal with any of these issues in isolation. The more that we can develop technologies that tap alternative sources of energy but also contain the environmental damage of fossil fuels, the better off we're going to be.

Q I know you're looking at it as a global situation, in terms of global partners, but there are some who do argue that this is the time; if there was ever going to be a continental energy policy and a continental environmental policy, this would be it. Would you agree with that thinking?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, you know, I think one of the -- one of the promising areas for not just for bilateral but also trilateral cooperation is around this issue. I met with President Calderón here in the United States, and Mexico actually has taken some of the boldest steps around the issues of alternative energy and carbon reductions of any country out there. And it's very rare for a country that's still involved in developing and trying to raise its standard of living to stay as focused on this issue as President Calderón's administration has.
What I think that offers is the possibility of a template that we can create between Canada, the United States and Mexico that is moving forcefully around these issues. But as I said, it's going to be important for us to make sure that countries like China and India, with enormous populations and huge energy needs, that they are brought into this process, as well.

Q Afghanistan. As you know, Canada has been there from the beginning, since the fall of 2001, and has suffered extreme casualties in its combat missions there. And the Canadian parliament has decided, out of combat by the year 2011. When you get to Ottawa, will you have any suggestions to Canada that it should reconsider what its role in Afghanistan is?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, first of all, I think the Canadian contribution has been extraordinary, and for all the families who have borne the burden in Canada, I think we all have a heartfelt thanks.
I'm in the process of a strategic review of our approach in Afghanistan. Very soon we will be releasing some initial plans in terms of how we are going to approach the military side of the equation in Afghanistan. But I am absolutely convinced that you cannot solve the problem of Afghanistan, the Taliban, the spread of extremism in that region solely through military means. We're going to have to use diplomacy, we're going to have to use development, and my hope is that in conversations that I have with Prime Minister Harper, that he and I end up seeing the importance of a comprehensive strategy, and one that ultimately the people of Canada can support, as well as the people of the United States can support, because obviously, here as well, there are a lot of concerns about a conflict that has lasted quite a long time now and actually appears to be deteriorating at this point.

Q But are you saying that you will or you won't ask Canada to
remain in a combat role?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think, you know, we've got until 2011, according to the Canadian legislature, and I think it's important for the Canadian legislature and the people of Canada to get a sense that what they're doing is productive. So what I will be communicating is the approach that we intend to take. Obviously I'm going to be continuing to ask other countries to help think through how do we approach this very difficult problem. But I don't have a specific "ask" in my pocket that I intend to bring out in our meetings.

Q Is Afghanistan still one of them?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think Afghanistan is still winnable, in the sense of our ability to ensure that it is not a launching pad for attacks against North America. I think it's still possible for us to stamp out al Qaeda to make sure that extremism is not expanding but rather is contracting. I think all those goals are still possible, but I think that as a consequence to the war on Iraq, we took our eye off the ball. We have not been as focused as we need to be on all the various steps that are needed in order to deal with Afghanistan.
If you've got narco-trafficking that is funding the Taliban, if there is a perception that there's no rule of law in Afghanistan, if we don't solve the issue of the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, then we're probably not going to solve the problem.

Q I'm down to my last minute. A couple of quickies on Canada -- your sense of the country. I mean, I think -- as you may know, you carry Canada on your belt. (Laughter.) That Blackberry is a Canadian invention.

THE PRESIDENT: Absolutely.

Q You've been to Canada once. What's your sense of the country?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, yes, I've been to Canada a couple of times. Most recently it was to visit my brother-in-law's family who was from Burlington right outside of Toronto. Look, I think that Canada is one of the most impressive countries in the world, the way it has managed a diverse population, a migrant economy. You know, the natural beauty of Canada is extraordinary. Obviously there is enormous kinship between the United States and Canada, and the ties that bind our two countries together are things that are very important to us.
And, you know, one of the things that I think has been striking about Canada is that in the midst of this enormous economic crisis, I think Canada has shown itself to be a pretty good manager of the financial system in the economy in ways that we haven't always been here in the United States. And I think that's important for us to take note of, that it's possible for us to have a vibrant banking sector, for example, without taking some of the wild risks that have resulted in so much trouble on Wall Street.

Q Appreciate this very much. You still haven't seen your first hockey game.

THE PRESIDENT: I'm looking forward to making it happen at some point.

Q Mr. President, thank you very much.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

Also check these out:
What Obama Can Learn On His Trip To Canada Today

Ongoing Coverage Today from CBC at this link, Live blogging from the CBC

Sunday, February 15, 2009

President Obama Goes to Ottawa

Seven years ago last week I became an American citizen. However, my background (Canadian) still seems to come through when I say "out" or "progress". So, Canada and U.S. relations are always of some interest....although not very sexy nor it seems very interesting to Americans. So thought I might try to at least infuse that yawn with another look.

This week newly elected U.S. President makes his first official foreign visit. Its to Canada. If you wonder why, there is a long standing tradition that the first official foreign visit/meeting by a newly elected President is with the Canadian Prime Minister.

Why? Perhaps becasue as Henry Kissinger once said about the Canada and the United States “we are doomed by geography and history to friendship.” Perhaps to put a more positive interpretation on the "tradition" it can be summed up by the observation of an outsider, Sir Winston Churchill, who once said, "The long frontier from the Atlantic to Pacific Oceans, guarded only by neighborly respect and honourable obligations, is an example to every country and a pattern for the future of the world.”

Just a few years ago, Clifford Krauss of The New York Times said, “If ice hockey is Canada’s national sport, relations with the United States is the country’s national psychic quandary” and on that matter, the Canadian nationalist, author and commentator, Pierre Berton, noted in a letter to an American friend “its not your love we want, it’s your understanding. "

Canada-US Factoids for Fun and Understanding

Nearly 90% of Canadians live within 200 km of the border with the United States.

Over 5,500 miles of “the longest, undefended border in the world," and nearly 300,000 people cross that border every day

Canada-U.S. trade is the world's largest trading relationship. The volume of trade is equivalent of $1.5 billion a day in goods....almost $2 million every minute. Under NAFTA, Canada and the United States have increased their already substantial trade by an average annual growth rate of just over 10 percent.

There is more two way trade between Canada and the United States across a single bridge than Americans do with any other single country in the world. That bridge is the The Ambassador between Windsor and Detroit

More than 20% of U.S. exports are sold to Canada. For 35 individual States, Canada is their largest trading partner. Over 7 million U.S. jobs are directly supported by trade with Canada

And you know the issues about energy dependence and all thats been said about it being with countries that don't really like the United States? Well there is an exception: Canada provides more oil, gas, electricity and uranium than any other country to the U.S. Canada supplies 86 percent of U.S. natural gas imports and 17 percent of U.S. imports of crude and refined oil products - more than any foreign supplier at over 2.4 million barrels a day.

In Canada, there are 28,000,000 Internet users as of March, 2008; 84.3% of the population, according to ITU...among the top 10 countries in the world for broadband deployment.

On 9/11 a Canadian, General Findley, was in command of North American Air Defense. When the President of the United States of America ordered military jets to be scrambled to protect airspace or shoot down any other possible hijacked airliners, a Canadian military officer was in operational control.

For those interested in governments and use of social media , the Canadian embassy in the U.S. has begun to be involved. Check out Connect2Canada on Facebook, Twitter, podcasts and more. The links include:

Currently, the Canada-U.S. relationship is governed by some 200 treaties and agreements that provide a solid legal basis for Canada–U.S cooperation on everything from defense to stewardship of the environment to our trade relationship and management of the border.

Want to know more about Canada and why you should? Check out this post over at CNN by Dave Schechter CNN Senior National Editor.

For more info and to understand a neighborly relationship between countries: Here is the
Canadian government site in preparation for the President's Visit. Here is the link for the U.S. Embassy in Canada and their perspective on the relationship

I hope its a good visit and productive one that gets this important bilateral relationship off to a strong and solid start.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to get the right or customized parts for any dell

I have previously posted videos and photos that I stumble upon "around the web" that I think are cool. Here is one that deserves to be in that mentioned category. Don't customers do the greatest things...not to mention kids. Wow!

Chat with Marc Silber about Great Photos

and his new photo show, can be found here.