Thursday, March 12, 2009

SXSW, Time to Learn, Hear about Experiments, New Things and Connect

SXSW is a great opportunity to learn and connect, engage in some great conversations, and as I often like to say “make online real offline too.” As a person who moved here just a few years ago, I can testify to Austin's live-ability. It has become home to this former Canadian. And to the guests from far and wide, I say welcome, come and enjoy.

There are so many great things to do, I’m not even going to try and start. However, check out Steph Agresta’s Techset Blogger Lounge and her blog listing with a great set of events. Update: My colleague and friend Lionel also has a post over at Direct2Dell with our info. It includes some info about the Dell team members at SXSW and other nifty things

The “Fashionable” AllHat…No Cattle Event: The "AllHat….No Cattle" Shopping and Socializing excusion (#allhat) is on Sunday from noon to 2pm . It includes shopping for hats, boots, buckles and a light lunch/refreshments (cash bar/food donation $ if you choose). More Details below.

Hat Tip from the AllHat team: Imagine, a few individuals came together with a different idea…"lets get together and have some fun shopping for a cowboy hat on Sunday at lunch.”

WOW…..Twitter and away we go. YOU, our many online friends, networks and individuals, have come together in a big way to join in (See Twtvite tab on who is attending, or the tweets, #allhat and more). Looks like we have a great crowd, but most importantly an event where we can share some fun, food and chance to talk to each other in person….many of us I suppose get to meet in person for the first time and exchange more than a 140 characters at a time. The results testify to the power of connecting, I think….so please be sure to not hesitate to introduce yourselves and we can all put faces to avatars.

So, HatTip from AllHat to ya'all, for the opportunity to meet, for joining us.
Team AllHat says thanks…to each of you.

Who is AllHat...and WHY?

Your Co-hosts: @Richardatdell and David Armano. Why? Because we had cowboy hats already and even shopped at Allen’s on another occasion

Special Guest: Mack Collier… Why is he a special guest? You will learn that at the event (hints have been in twitter and below).

Fashion Advisor/Crowdsource opinion leader: We “roped in” Steph Agresta following concerns that the two cohosts and special guest did not bode well for success in terms of fashion sense. Steph is a regular at Allen’s boots when she visits Austin. She has a red pair….hope she wears them :-)

Your Photographer: Brian Solis (I let you pick the link from google) and that search just goes to prove Brian is everywhere – on the the ranch, off the ranch, twitter, flickr, life streams, books, blogs – he’s like the Paparazziso, everywhere. But, we “roped him in.” Why a photographer? BECAUSE if ya’all make a scene at the AllHat event/brunch,(etiquette tips in some pics) modeling your newest hats boots and buckles, that’s like the red carpet at the Academy awards. Best that be captured and shared (and besides, Mack may need a new twitter avatar, so that we can start a trend of cowboy hats for twitter avatars)

The Roadie: Mark Drosos (with the band, again you choose the link) comes from the entertainment business…and this event is “entertainment,” – by, for and with you – pure and simple. He just volunteered….no, actually he just “stepped into it.” He’s the best roadie with the band we can have….and he is social too. Mark Chose the theme song and it captures the spirit we hope you feel, that Big warm Texas grin.

PreParty Prep, Etiquette Tips, Church of Customer Counsel : Window Shop if you want to get a little head start on decisions. You can start by window shopping over at Flicker. There are some different collectibles page 2, as well as a special treat: Church of the Customer Blog, Jackie Huba provides some perspective on one of the most highly viewed items, in the pre shopping warm up collection.
However, Jackie showed no patience (a virtue I am told) and decided to get her shopping done ahead of time in order to deliver a warm Texas welcome. Watch for her new purchase she already tweeted about using new hashtag #allhat.

Unboxings : When you get home (or back to your hotel room) with your hats, boots and buckles, just a reminder, like new computers, you can do an unboxing (sample here toward bottom of page and on the next one).

Prep Done? Ready for shopping now? .....Come have fun

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wharton Study on Word of Mouth Marketing

Given the ongoing debate around the blogs and social networking communities about measurement and results, thought Wharton's recently released story "The BuzzStarts Here: Finding the First Mouth for word-of-mouth marketing"

They find that social networks (not necessarily the online kind...but social networks in general) impact contagion and spread of word of mouth.  

The other interesting take away is the "who" underpinning successful word of mouth is crucial for success and not always who we think it is, or should be.  The person contributing to success is not always the self proclaimed or even traditionally thought of "leader" in a particular field.  In this particular case study Wharton professors found the "leader" underpinning real uptake for market success was actually an individual who connected across the various communities and was known amongst his peers for doing really solid work. ....a sociometric leader is what they call it

In fact, he was not considered by the industry or himself as an opinion leader.....But that is what he was doing, very effectively.  And therein lies the rub, right? 

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Cowboy's Hat - Chris LeDoux

The Pre Party warm up for "AllHat....No Cattle" has begun. We now have a theme song (check out the 3:15 point to around 3:20minute, as minimum) for the BIG TEXAS Grin. Theme song compliments of @markdrosos.

Also you can find pics get thinking and planning the shopping, as well as the follow on. Like computers, unboxings can be fun:

Cant wait to make more online real offline too

Final event details will be posted soon, although the event start time and location are at Twtvite :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Corporate Blogs: 2 Leaders Speak, 3 to follow

Funny how things happen. Today two of  my favorite people posted commentary on corporate blogs.  The third best resource on corporate blogging is the timeless: Naked Conversations by Shel Israel and Scoble

Thing #1
Over at Dell's new blog about technology and education Lionel Menchaca, Dell's Chief Blogger talks about lecture he gave last week.  Couple highlights...but go read the whole post:
Benefits of corporate blogs:
  • Purpose: they are built for two-way communications
  • Versatility: As a platform, blogs bring together text, video
  • Huge and growing: According to Technorati in June 2008… 112 million and counting.
  • Empowerment: Blogs empower individuals within companies and humanize companies
  • Trust: People inherently don’t tend to trust corporate blogs. I told the class I wasn’t at all surprised when Forrester said only 16% of the folks they surveyed trusted corporate blogs. In my view, companies help create that reality—hence the cartoon from Hugh McLeod above. Good blog posts help us chip away that distrust at the individual level.
  • No matter how transparent a corporate blog is, there are some things you can’t share. Personal blogs don’t have many limitations in this regard.
  • Legal issues: When we’re dealing with safety issues like the battery recall, or other product issues that may impact lots of customers, we work with our legal team before publishing.
Aside from the great content and perspective, let me tell you something. Lionel is tech savvy pro, loves Dell  customers (in fact even helped this one buy his first Dell before he was a Dell employee).  He is someone I have come to know pretty well....and even though we disagree from time to time.....I ADORE him, professionally and personally.  He is a friend.  And even taught me a few things about this space (OK...maybe more than a few, but dont tell him I said that).  He is Chief corporate blogger for a reason.  He is GREAT and gets it!

Thing #2
Scoble, who I have come to know and admire working in this space since 2006, out of the blue posts a link to something he wrote in 2003.  Its here:  The Corporate Blogging Manifesto.  I didnt even know blogs existed then.  For all the jokes about Scoble's gazillion  followers......this piece from 2003 has clearly withstood the test of time.  NO JOKES. Go read it.

Conclusion: Follow them and it will come
I didnt even pay attention until August 2006.  Thats when I started to listen, learn and engage.....AND learn a few things I did from Lionel, Shel and Scoble. I still do.  You can't go wrong reflecting on these links ....and by the way, not one them talks about traffic or maximizing search or visits from Twitter.  I think if you follow their examples.....people come.

And really, that's what its all about anyway, right?