Monday, December 3, 2007

Third Tuesday, Come snow or snow or snow in Ottawa and Toronto

Thrilled to be back home for a visit to Canada. Had wonderful dinners with friends, old and new, saw some great art at the national gallery, including the re-positioning of art from native and european peoples, interwoven in a distinctly Canadian way. BEAUTIFUL!
Not to mention special and FRESH photography from Africa. Congratulations to the International Center for Photography in New York, an old and favorite haunt, for the exhibit and National Gallery of Canada, for picking it up. Thanks to my dear friend and artistic mentor Jennifer Dickson for the treat
Now its time to join folks in Ottawa tonight, Toronto tomorrow and Wednesday at the Canadian Institute Social Media Conference. The Third Tuesdays (on 1st Monday in Ottawa and 1st Tuesday in Toronto) should make for some exciting discussions about social media and business.
Im going to focus on "listening companies" and corporate reputations, as well as on listening, understanding and the posts referenced below.
These folks have had some pretty special and senior speakers in the field. I am very honoured (note that "u")to be their guest, share what I can but also listen and learn and understand from those attending.
Just to prove I still have some Canadian blood, pop on over to Flickr or see video below. Thanks to my host Joe Thornley


David Marshall- gbakmars said...

Richard you look cold!! I hope the time exceeds all of your expectations. It isn't always easy to "read" a person's genuiness over the internet, but from what I have read and heard, I would love to sit down and share some day! I am just south of the border here in Michigan, feeling just as cold as you look. If you should pass through Detroit on the way home send me an email! Hope all goes well there! David

Anonymous said...


Thanks for dropping by. It was cold.....but GREAT group in Ottawa and really enjoyable discussion.

Frank said...

good event - many thanks - Frank

My post on it