Up until recently, I had avoided being tagged "it" in the blog game called "memes". After Peter Kim and BL Ochman tagged Marketing Profs Ann Handley to reveal some personal bits, and gingerly she did...Ann nailed me.
I have procrastinated; thought of dodging the ball thrown this way; but ultimately yielded.
Afterall, "Around the web with RichardatDELL", Facebook, Twitter, so many of your blogs and other social media activities have resulted in new-found professional colleagues (like Ann), many of whom only know me (and vice versa) on one or two levels. Perhaps getting tagged "It" adds dimension to personal "connectedness" that usually only comes with personal contact over time. By "spilling some" we make the personal and professional connections more human and real -- contributing to proof of the "theory" in "Naked Conversations" that blogs and other web 2 "tools" actually "humanize" companies, enhance connectedness and foster understanding.
I'm not sure what follows below are necessarily "secrets" but they are things you might not have known. I hope they might add some perspective to who RichardatDELL is.
Employment Chapters Before the American Communications Career
- I was actively involved in Canadian politics as a political aide to the Ministers of Community & Social Services, then Environment, Health and Employment and Immigration. I managed several successful local campaigns and worked on the national campaign teams for the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney and the Right Honourable Kim Campbell.
- I was what is known as a "Progressive Conservative". If that sounds like an oxymoron to my American friends....I leave it with you :-) .
- I was a "rabid" supporter of the Canada-US free trade agreement, believing it demonstrated Canada was "growing up." I have commented here previously about proudly helping bring disparate parties together to pass Canada's first National AIDS policy, as well as working for the Parliamentary subcommittee a year later reviewing progress and directions
- I had the honour and pleasure of meeting Ronald Reagan and George Bush (the first)
- The Canadian election 1993 drove me to a career in the United States
- I also worked as a lobbyist and completed a Master's degree. My thesis examines the challenges of exercising (political) leadership over bureaucracies.
- I worked 12 hour shifts one summer in a Dupont factory making Nylon yarn. Messy and tricky business. I wanted to quit every day.
- I spent a day when I first moved to Dell building computers -- it was fun, learned a lot and every computer I built passed all quality inspections :-)
Photography, Art, Life
- I am completely "self taught" in photography (starting in 1994) have had several exhibits and been selected among "best in show". My first exhibit was a group exhibit that included work by mentor and friend Jennifer Dickson, the only Canadian artist to be a member of the Royal Academy. My work is the Boardroom of a major NYC based company, a Venture Capital firm and several private collectors. What started at $200 a print is now worth over $800-$1000 a print -- all scrupulously tracked in my registry (usually small sets of up to 15). Robert Frank's printer, Richard Hobbs, prints my film based work....long story.
- I have my own "mini" art collection, including numerous works by Jennifer Dickson, 2 that I own are artist's proofs (with dedications to me enscribed on them). Copies 1 of 5 for these two pieces are in National Gallery of Canada.
- I love music (all kinds) and during my time in NYC became friends with DJ/Producer Eddie Baez. I used to hang out in the dj booth at sound Factory, Tunnel and other clubs when Eddie played, as well as visit him in his studio. I have done the high hats on some of his remixes and have lots of cds/tapes from nights at the club...one of a kind remixes done on the spot. Precious.
- NYC was the first city I ever really called my own home, as an adult...knowing I would move on from Kingston, Toronto, Ottawa, Richmond (family shelter and stopping place after immigration) and St Louis. Living there was a phenomenal experience that remains difficult to explain, although Ill never forget the realization one fall day shortly after moving there. Friends and summer Fire Island, distant today but close in my heart. Austin is giving it a run for it money -- from a very different perspective.
- (BONUS...since I was tagged for 8)....February 8, 2002, 6 years ago, I became an American citizen. A proud day indeed. VERY! We had an all day party with friends and family; my dear friend Geraldine Ferraro, I call her my American political mother, presided over a wonderful luncheon and was the first person I spoke with after passing my Citizenship interview (because my parents were out when I called) ...Her response when I said "I passed" was "I expected no less". Just like my real Mom.
Feels slightly narcissistic, all of this.....thanks Anne.
So time to move along and tag some others. How about it: Valeria Maltoni (she is poetic...bet it will be the same), Connie Reece (she is a live one), Michael Lingolook ( an early web friend and epitomizes generosity)....and back to the homeland, Joe Thornley (he played this one in 2006, but it was only 5 secrets, so Joe, add three more...or how about updating things?)
You're full of surprises, Richard. Very eclectic background. I'll think about a way to talk about more interesting things than me. Given your affinity with poetic writing, I might go that route.
ah but Valeria, the point is that there are interesting things about you that we should know :-)
Nice post, Richard, and thanks for playing along! I'm not exactly comfortable revealing personal bits, either, but I played along as well for the reasons you describe: "Perhaps getting tagged 'It' adds dimension to personal 'connectedness' that usually only comes with personal contact over time. By 'spilling some' we make the personal and professional connections more human and real...."
Well said, my friend!
Ann...I was following your lead. Thanks for that
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