Sunday, May 4, 2008

Blogging Gets A Second Wind | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog and Podcast - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image


I think Mitch Joel has a pretty good post about the value and sustainability of blogging.  It's a bit in keeping with a previous post I wrote about blogging being in the dip (to use a Seth Godin concept).  Mitch Joel references the challenge of video and Twitter to blogging. My earlier post was related to the then attraction of Facebook.  

I still believe that blogs are the most powerful of the many emerging online tools or mediums.  Their open and accessible nature (versus the walled gardens or specialized tools that are needed for video etc); the unfettered frank perspectives that blog authors deliver through a blog; and the blog's/authors availablilty to interact, connect and share in a conversation are tough qualities to beat. 

Other mediums and outlets help bring it together or add some icing to the cake. But so far, the real and substantive connections, it seems to me, are found in blogs. 

Its why I love my job and am always thrilled to break away from meetings and go out and connect and see what's up.

Here is the link to Mitch Joel's post: Blogging Gets A Second Wind | Six Pixels of Separation - Marketing and Communications Blog and Podcast - By Mitch Joel at Twist Image

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